Viva Vespa!
The spark for this photo session started months earlier, when I first saw Jason zip by me on his epic red Vespa in my neighborhood.
When he went flying by me, lights blazing, flags flying, he was a sight to behold! A bright red work of art, in motion! Unfortunately it was one of the rare times I didn’t have my camera with me. So I made a mental note to keep a lookout for this amazing character around town.
A month later, I caught my second glimpse of the Vespa enthusiast driving down the road as I was leaving the grocery store. This time I had my camera with me!
Hastily throwing the groceries in the car, I tore out of the grocery parking lot, in hot pursuit of the Vespa. Where is my Kojak light when I need it?
Luckily, I caught up to the scooter down the road, parked in front of the local post office. The rider must be inside. Excellent! I had time to get my camera, and setup next to the bike, ready to ambush politely greet the rider when he emerged from the post office.
But wait! This Vespa was white, not bright red. Wasn’t the guy I saw before riding a red Vespa? Was this a different rider? Wasn’t he wearing the same helmet, though?
While questions swirled, the Vespa owner emerged from the post office. I introduced myself, complimented his wheels, and explained my inspiration. He was so cool with the interruption and was used to some attention around town. Lucky for me, he was game for a quick impromptu portrait.
During the post office chat, he shared with me that he did in fact own a bright red Vespa, and it was him I saw a month earlier. Clearly he had a passion for Vespas. As we spoke Jason’s story intrigued me more and more.
I asked if he’d be open to photo shoot with his red scooter and he agreed.
Impromptu portrait of Jason outside the post office
A week later we met at Point Defiance in Tacoma. The lush green forest with evergreens and ferns would provide the perfect visual contrast to Jason’s red Vespa as well as showcase an important part of his beloved town.
I had a handful of shots in mind and as Jason shared the history and details about his scooter we collaborated on additional image ideas.
I was inspired by the images we were creating together.
My favorite image came towards the end of our time together as the idea emerged organically.
Jason reached down for a moment to check on the back wheel of his scooter, and I saw his reflection in the spare wheel covering. Perfect.
That image says so much to me about Jason. From the character expressed in his boots and tattoos, to his reflection in the cherished scooter. His devotion to his bike through his attention to the smallest detail. The act of kneeling, expressing his reverence for the rich Vespa tradition and as well as gratitude for their bond.
For Jason, Vespa isn’t merely a mode of transportation, it’s a way of life.